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Post Fossil City

These are visions of sculptural landscapes that make visible the natural movement produced by both people and nature. Using recycled materials in combination with piezoelectric materials, I propose to create public spaces that blend into the already existing environment. I have various designs inspired by natural scenery that will utilize piezoelectricity to generate energy from wind, water, and human impact. These installations will differ depending on where they are installed, and will take into account the distinct landscapes so as to best target and utilize the maximum sources of energy available.

Piezoelectricity: the electric polarization in a substance resulting from the application of mechanical pressure or stress. The amount of energy created is equivalent to the amount of pressure applied.

Solar panel archway with hanging wind powered piezoelectric fibers generating energy from wind.

Piezoelectric flexible surface with bridges connecting to land generating energy from human footsteps and waves. Piezoelectric poles and piezoelectric fiber sails generate energry from wind and water.

Imagine a roofless, square room with two gridded walls constructed from recycled metal creating a 90-degree angle. This could be installed in a city, suburb or a rural area and could be as big as a football field or as small as a closet. In each square of the grid, a flat, round piezoelectric ceramic tile is strung so that it hangs with the wire going through the center of it and the square. These tiles spin harmoniously in the wind, generating energy through their movement as well as providing a mesmerizing show for the public. At night the energy produced will be used to turn on LEDs in the walls, illuminating the structure with an array of colors and light animations.

Here and Now

In the process of creating my house, I focused on areas surrounding mental health in the built environment, sustainability, and accessibility. I conducted research on these three concepts and let my discoveries influence my design. I wanted to design housing that focuses on creating community and shared affordable living environments incorporating sustainability as a way to address negative mental health issues influenced by the built environment. Many of the problems concerning mental health and the built environment are around limitations of social interaction and community building generated from structural form and architectural design that perpetuate individuality as opposed to a collective and shared environment. 

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